Commencement MKMMA...We've Only Just Begun

If you've been reading my blog through this journey, you may have noticed a crazy thing I do...I have a song for EVERYTHING! Yes, literally everything! It drives my husband crazy! And this evening, I'm thinking about the song by the momma loved listening to them when I was a little girl.

So here we are, at the "end" of the course, but just getting started on fully living and enjoying what's left of the "dash" many years of your favorite season do you have left? Thinking about the longevity of the Scandinavian women in my family, I will likely be pushing 100. My great-grandmother was 99 when she passed, and my lovely Grandma "Corky" just turned 94 and is in great health. She's planning to be around for many more years, and she's as spry as anyone in their 60s! With that in mind, I easily could have over 50 years left to enjoy my favorite season...SUMMER! (Perfect season for a Yellow, right?)

In this week's webinar Mark for Go90Grow was discussing "the dash" and had everyone do the exercise of thinking about how many years we have left to enjoy our favorite season. He brought me onto the webby and asked me: "how many years do you have left in your dash?" (40ish), "so you're about..." (40ish), "what is your favorite season? (summer), "why?" (because of family time, vacations, travel, beaches, surf and sun), "how would it feel to have all of the rest of your summers off to have only for vacation and not have to worry about working at all?" (well, I'm a teacher and technically we kind of have summers off already, even though that's when we have conferences and trainings and planning to prep for the next year), "how would you feel if you didn't have to work at all in the summer and could have the whole summer to be on vacation and have the funds to help others to join you on vacations too?" (that would be amazing, of course!). Yes, I have summers "off", but if we don't acquire additional income in the summer (my husband is an educator also), funds are always sparse by August, especially if we take any trips or get annual passes to one of the many amusement park options near us. Living like this for the next 40ish-50ish years is not okay, so I'm working on rectifying the situation so that I can have true health and liberty.

I'm still working on my DMP revamp. I want to retire from my J.O.B. in the next couple years. I need to be laser focused. The Universe has infinite options, and as a Yellow, deciding which path to take is a challenge. But, as we come to the "end" of the MKMMA course, I have made the decision to continue with the lifetime membership option. I'm excited to see where the road takes me next on this journey of service to others and living the life I was meant to live. And as I said before, "we've only just begun!"


Because I'm always a little corny with my songs for everything, I'm sharing a corny version of the song for you with full lyrics below:

"Grandma wants me to be happy." --Happy Gilmore

"We've Only Just Begun"
We've only just begun to live
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way

Before the rising sun, we fly
So many roads to choose
We'll start out walking and learn to run

Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way
Talking it over, just the two of us
Working together day by day

And when evening comes, we smile
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow
And yes, we've just begun

(Songwriters: Roger S. Nichols/Paul H. Williams)


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