Week 7 MKMMA...tear down that wall

*Language Warning* (there is a point to it, otherwise I wouldn't have used it)

Regarding "The Seven Day Mental Diet"...I am starting over this morning (Friday...yes, I tried and failed for 3 days straight, though I did make it more than 24 hours the first try.) But that's okay because in closing Emmet Fox cautioned that this diet tends to stir up all sorts of difficulties, seeming as if everything is going wrong at once. Though disconcerting, he says it's "really a good sign. It means things are moving" which is the objective of this exercise.

Earlier this week I came across a post on Instagram that really struck a chord deep inside my being. I decided to repost it and did get one comment by a friend that she was "shocked" at my last post. But every.single.person. who interacted with the post otherwise, thanked me for sharing and could actually relate to the sentiment of the message. It said: "Unfuck Yourself. Be who you were before all that stuff happened that dimmed your fucking shine." Yes! That is the point of all of this to me! We take a test to find our color based on our childhood personality...and then life happens, learning happens, influences happen...and we've lost our shine and we've gotten FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition) of our true selves, the person we really are and were always meant to be, and dimmed our shine.

So yes, that might come across offensive to some just because of the use of the "F word" but the sentiment is exactly what I needed to see this week. I had a difficult week at work as a teacher, dealing with a lot of stresses that are becoming the norm in schools, and being positive for 7 days has seemed like a daunting task. But I am going to embrace this challenge and when I look at those difficulties I will follow what Og Mandino challenges us to do...

"I will greet this day with love in my heart."
"And how will I act? I will love all manners of men for each has qualities to be admired even though they be hidden. With love I will tear down the wall of suspicion and hate which they have built round their hearts and in its place I build bridges so that my love may enter their souls." (Og Mandino)


  1. Wonderfully said, Katee! Don't you find it fascinating that the Universe presents us with the perfect messages at the exact right moment? (And that we are becoming such fine-tuned observers that we CATCH those messages?)


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